A Parkinson’s Perspective

So you have Parkinson’s!

All Parkies will face obstacles and challenges, however controlling your perspective, can help in giving you back some control, not only in your battle with Parkinson’s but in your life as well

.Emotions and reactions have to be controlled during these tough times. Even when things are going well, the right mind set will help to keep you grounded and in the right PERSPECTIVE.

You must constantly look for ways to improve yourself. Not just physically but also mentally.

A strong mental perspective does not come naturally it requires nurturing and practice.

You will need to employ a strong mental makeup to get you through the challenges to come.

Four P’s of your daily Parkinson’s perseverance

Purpose: Bring a purpose to each day

Precision: execute your plan (exercise, diet, medication, social interaction, etc.)

Patience: be patient with yourself and with your plan

Perform and compete: Your day to day success will be determined by you!

Nobody can help you if you are not willing to help yourself first!

So how can we improve how we perform and compete?

There are three rights to Optimal Performance.

Right Focus: stay focused on what you want to achieve and what you can control to get there.

Right Feeling: Know which feelings can be used by you to perform at your best. Do you need to be calm or amp yourself up?

Right Attitude: Be passionate in you, in your commitment, in your confidence and in your perseverance in battling Parkinson’s.

Work Smarter not harder!

Your motivation can come from setting and recording your Parkinson’s battle goals. Writing down your goals will make them harder to ignore and allow you to track them easier.

S: Specific- stick to a process

M:Meaningful- set goals that are meaningful and that will excite you.

A: Attainable- Set the bar high, but realistic. If you pass it , it can always be reset. But if you reach and achieve a high goal that is more exciting. However a series of small goals can still lead you higher.

R: Relevant- does the goal suit your situation?

T:Time specific ( short, medium or long term)

E: Engaging- Your goals should create excitement. This will help in your motivation.

R: Recorded- The goal, the process, the result. The more info the better.

Control your perspective

How you view yourself, you caregiver, your support team, situation, environment, etc. has a lot to do with your ability to succeed.

There are two basic points of view from which you see your situation.

1: Positive/productive


2: Angry/frustrated

Which perspective does you brain tend toward and typically operate from?

How you view yourself will have a lot to do with how you deal with your Parkinson’s.

Your confidence will play an important role in your day to day performance.

What makes up your confidence?

Usually if you can control a situation you will be confident in that situation.

You can use compliments to help keep your confidence high.

How do you feel?

You must try and bring your best performance on a daily basis. That does not mean your best ever! It means the best that you have that day!

It is time to quit worrying “ How we feel” and focus on what you can do now to be in the moment and give everything you have.

Find Your Anchor

Emotional control involves understanding that you must bring yourself back to a place of calmness and control of your thoughts.

Finding your anchor gives you a starting point in those rocky waters that may have appeared.

Your Anchor needs to include three things.

1: Physical routine

2: Positive/productive self talk

3: Reaffirming your resilience

Bringing calmness to your mind and body may be the result of a physical movement pattern and/or a self talk phrase that reminds you to be in the moment and remain calm. Try to write down a self talk phrase that reminds you that you are ready to overcome any obstacle that Parkinson’s has put out in your way.

Planning for What Ifs?

Everyone feels more in control when they have a good plan of attack Yet life will continue to put you in difficult situations, both at home or when you are away.

It is important that you need a plan for the “ What ifs” when they happen. This requires you to be resilient.

Resiliency: turning garbage into gold

Obstacles and challenges are apart of living. How you deal with these obstacles will determine whether you will be successful in overcoming them or not.

Resiliency will require you to be:

Be teachable : learn as much about the disease as possible

Be adaptable: open minded to new ideas

Be creative: understanding there will be more than one way.

Be a critical positive/productive thinker: build your own plan using your own ideas and strengths.

Having Parkinson’s does not mean you can not have a meaningful, wonderful life!

It’s all up to you!

Published by Parkinson's My Super Power

My name is Ian Robertson, I was diagnosed with parkinson's May of 2012. I started taking medication May 2016. I am active. I run, I dance, I curl, I hike, I bike, I skate and I am a Instructor for hockey goaltenders I am self employed. I married in 1982 and have three children, and 8 grandchildren.

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